Richmond is considering requiring healthy checkout options

The Richmond City Council will review a proposed ordinance that would make buying a candy bar at a large store slightly less convenient. The ordinance would require large retailers to offer healthier food options at checkout aisles – a move aimed at curbing the prevalence of junk food in low-income communities.
Known as the Healthy Options at Point-of-Sale (HOPS) ordinance, the measure was first introduced in 2022 but has faced delays in coming to fruition.
Modeled after similar policies in Berkeley, the ordinance would apply to stores larger than 2,500 square feet, limiting the display of high-sugar and high-sodium products at checkout lanes. Supporters argue the policy is necessary to promote public health, particularly in communities where diet-related illnesses are common. However, enforcement remains a challenge, as Richmond lacks a dedicated public health department and may need to contract oversight to county agencies or contractors.

Ashley Trousdell, a Community Campaign Coordinator with Bay Area Community Resources, an El Cerrito-based nonprofit that had $84.8 million in revenue in 2023, has worked alongside the high school students on the healthy retail initiative.
"Looking into the census data from 2022 revealed that three out of six, so half of Richmond districts have a higher prevalence of diabetes than the state average," Trousdell said. "This makes this issue extremely pressing. Type two diabetes was the eighth leading cause of death in the United States in 2021 and clearly remains a significant issue here in Richmond."
Trousdell explained to the council in March that for many, type two diabetes is a preventable progressive condition that likely begins with habits formed at an early age.
"Nearly 30 years ago, after the CDC declared diabetes an epidemic, it still remains a critical public health challenge, but it doesn't have to be that way. We can change this narrative by supporting initiatives like healthy retail," Trousdell said.
Data shows disparities in diabetes rates across Richmond's six districts, with the highest prevalence (15.8 percent) in District 3 and District 5 with the lowest rate (8.8 percent).
Comparing diabetes rates across Richmond districts

A chart comparing diabetes rates across Richmond voting districts from the Healthy Options at Point-of-Sale (HOPS) Youth Advocates Presentation
Ileana Miranda-Uch, a Pinole High School student and a Bay Area Community Resources intern, shared information from the Othering & Belonging Institute.
"About 34 percent of Richmond, or 32,000 people, some in this room, reside in critical food access areas, or areas considered underserved," Miranda-Uch said at the March 4 Richmond City Council Meeting. "On average, Richmond residents must travel almost a mile to reach a full-service grocer."
Miranda-Uch said that 10 percent of Richmond households don't have cars, and the distance to food retailers greatly impacts access to healthy food.
"A recent study found that for every one supermarket or farmers market located in Richmond, there are at least six fast food restaurants and convenience stores," Miranda-Uch said. "These food challenges and resulting health complications disproportionately impact Richmond low-income residents and communities of color."
Under Richmond's draft Healthy Retail Ordinance, stores that fail to stock checkout aisles with healthier food and drink options could face citations and penalties. The proposed enforcement measures include routine inspections — likely conducted by Contra Costa County's Environmental Health division — to ensure compliance with rules banning sugary beverages and high-sodium snacks near registers.
Retailers may also be required to provide documentation proving they meet the standards. Violations would trigger penalties under the city's municipal code, though enforcement would not begin until at least six months after the law takes effect, giving businesses time to adjust. The ordinance does not specify fine amounts but allows the city to recover investigation costs.
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