"Friends of the Circle" to present proposal for Clinton Hill redesign project

A group of neighbors who hope to revitalize a once-cherished local landmark will present their plan to Richmond's city council next Tuesday night.
Project organizer Alexander Martinez of Friends of the Circle will present a proposal to the city council Tuesday outlining a plan to remove existing bushes and redesign the area on the west side of Clinton Hill in the city's North and East Neighborhood.
"We will be sharing about the project and the proposed plan for a park in the circle with California natives, boulders, a pathway, and a bench," Martinez said.
Last year, the group came together to discuss strategies for restoring a historic fountain that formerly stood in the circle at the intersection of Mesa Way, Clinton Avenue, and 36th Street decades ago.
However, the fountain proved to be too complex of a project in terms of design and execution, so the group had to devise another plan.

Friends of the Circle, led by Martinez, have spent the last year holding discussions and seeking input from neighbors and others about what the neighborhood would most like to see at the location, which has sometimes taken on a rather unkempt appearance.
Martinez says he's hoping to win the council's support for the project, which, if all goes well, could potentially be completed next year.

"I'm happy to be working with folks who are interested in improving the neighborhood. We've been very fortunate to leverage the networks and expertise of our members," Martinez said. "That the recently acquired settlement funds seem to align with projects like this is good timing. I'm optimistic that if the council is favorable, we'll be able to re-do the circle next year."
The Richmond City Council meets next Tuesday, November 26, at 6:30 p.m.
at 450 Civic Center Plaza and on ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/99312205643?pwd=MDdqNnRmS2k4ZkRTOWhlUldQOUF1Zz09 or VIA PHONE: 1-669-900-6833
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