Daisy Ptak's crocheted scarf smashes Guinness World Record

Richmond's own Daisy Ptak secured her place in Guinness World Records Monday afternoon when the scarf she crocheted measured 982 feet long, beating the previous record by 142 feet.
The official measuring took place in front of Richmond's Craneway Pavilion, with the help of many volunteers, curious onlookers, and even a television news crew, all eagerly waiting for the measuring to commence.
Architect Andrew Butt volunteered to perform the duties of the official measurer necessary to certify the winning record.
“They had estimated that it was 880 feet (the prior record was 840). It was so much longer than thought that they had to extend it into the street to measure the entire length, which was 982 feet!” Butt said.
Ptak said she's proud of the work she did and in awe of the many people who came out to help.
“Family, friends from so all facets of my life, community members all came together to make measuring this happen,” Ptak said. “I am so touched by their sacrifice of time and labor to help me. It really was a wonderful experience, and I’m delighted to have broken the record, and excited to see who breaks it next!”
Butt said measuring the scarf was a really fun thing to be a part of.
“The weather was perfect, and it was a fun and festive atmosphere, with many volunteers, including kids, helping lay out the scarf. The Craneway folks brought out pastries for the volunteers, and people getting off the ferry stopped to ask what was going on. I was very happy to help out with providing the official measurement, which I will certify tomorrow,” Butt said.
Ptak likes to keep busy, and when asked what's next for her, she said she plans to focus on professional development.
“I'd like to learn more about program and project management,” Ptak said.
Today's record isn't the first broken at the Craneway. In 2016, The Rosie the Riveter Trust rallied 2,270 people to dress as “Rosies” to set a new world record.

Video/ Soren Hemmila

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