DA declines to file assault charges against Baltic Kiss owner

DA declines to file assault charges against Baltic Kiss owner
Baltic Kiss and Black Star BBQ owner, Tony Carracci with wife Suzie. Photo/ Instagram

Updated: March 7, 2024, 8:50 p.m.
In a revision of information received this afternoon, Grandview has heard from the District Attorney's office that the case has been returned to RPD for further investigation. Carracci is currently being held at the Martinez Detention Facility on a $100,000 bond.

The Contra Costa District Attorney's Office said today they will not be filing charges against restaurant owner Tony Carracci stemming from an altercation in Point Richmond two weeks ago.

Ted Asregadoo, Public Information Officer to the District Attorney, said there was not enough evidence to file charges.

"Richmond PD referred the case to our office today, and after a review, we declined to file a complaint in Superior Court due to insufficient evidence to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt," Asregadoo said.

Jonathan Livingston, former Richmond Design Review Board member, alleged that Carracci had assaulted him in an altercation over an ill-placed sign on February 26.

Word of the alleged attack spread on social media last Saturday when Helen Be, who said she was posting for her husband, provided the details of the incident.

"On Monday, Feb 26th at about 1 p.m. I was headed to The Point to get lunch. Parking was tight on Railroad [avenue], especially for a pick-up truck. I saw a large space, but it had a big washboard sign occupying the spot. I stopped and went to move the sign so I could park in a legal spot. As soon as I picked up the sign and placed it against a tree on the sidewalk, a screaming, cursing maniac came at me like a wild animal. He then threatened my life, saying he was "going to kill" me, and told me it was his property and his right. He then started swinging at me. I found out it was Tony Carracci, owner of the Black Star Pirate BBQ and the Baltic Kiss," Livingston wrote.

Nextdoor post

Comments under the post quickly stacked up as residents expressed their shock and concern over such an attack happening in the typically quiet neighborhood of Point Richmond. Many community members also questioned why Carracci had yet to be arrested and demanded answers from the authorities.

Baltic Kiss restaurant and music venue 135 Park Point Richmond. Photo/ Linda Hemmila

According to Richmond Police Officer Donald Patchin, RPD responded to the 000 block of Railroad Avenue on February 26 for a battery report. However, due to the ongoing investigation, Patchin could not provide additional information or confirm who was involved.

"A report was taken, and officers are actively investigating the case," Patchin said on March 4.

According to dispatch records, police received a 911 call at 1:12 p.m. Officers were dispatched at 1:41 p.m. and arrived at the scene at 3:40 p.m.

Carracci was arrested by Richmond Police Wednesday afternoon and was unavailable for comment.

An email sent to Johnathan Livingston for comment went unanswered.

Responding to numerous online inquiries, Police Chief Bisa French said she would not discuss the matter until the case had been investigated and resolved.

"I understand everyone’s concern about this incident. There are a lot of assumptions in the comments about what was or wasn’t done. For the integrity of our investigation we will not release information about this case until we have a resolution with the District Attorney’s office. When that happens, I will be more than willing to have a public discussion about our response to this incident," French said.

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